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==Scene Commands==
==Scene Commands==
+scene/start <scene name>=<scene description> -- Starts a scene called "<name>" with description "<description>" wherever you are located.
+scene/start <scene name>=<scene description> -- Starts a scene called "<name>" with description "<description>" wherever you are located.
+scene (or +scene/list) -- List all available scenes.
+scene (or +scene/list) -- List all available scenes.
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+scene/info <scene name or #number> -- View information about the scene you're in, including whose turn it is, etc. If you give it a scene name or number, reports information about that scene.
+scene/info <scene name or #number> -- View information about the scene you're in, including whose turn it is, etc. If you give it a scene name or number, reports information about that scene.
+scene/join <scene name or #number>] -- Join a scene.
+scene/join <scene name or #number>] -- Join a scene.
+scene/leave -- Leave the scene you're currently in.
+scene/leave -- Leave the scene you're currently in.
+scene/next -- When you're finished your turn, move onto the next turn. Rounds will automatically end and begin and the pose order will change. Your pose orders are based on dice rolls against your dexterities.
+scene/next -- When you're finished your turn, move onto the next turn. Rounds will automatically end and begin and the pose order will change. Your pose orders are based on dice rolls against your dexterities.
+scene/skip -- Implementation is going to change to use votes, but for now if someone is clearly not there or requests it, use +scene/skip to skip the turn of whoever's currently up. Do NOT abuse this feature or it will be taken away until we have time to code up a better version.
+scene/skip -- Implementation is going to change to use votes, but for now if someone is clearly not there or requests it, use +scene/skip to skip the turn of whoever's currently up. Do NOT abuse this feature or it will be taken away until we have time to code up a better version.
+scene/delay -- Pushes you to the back of the queue if you don't want to go at the moment but don't want your turn skipped entirely.
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Revision as of 21:57, 18 May 2011

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New to MUSHing?

At the connection screen of the mush type: connect guest guest

To speak on guest channel type: +g "Hi there, I need help!

To speak to someone in the room with you type: "Hi there, I need help!

Alternately you can type: say Hi there, I need help!

To page someone type: page name=Hi there.

Example: page Discordia=Hi there, I need help.

To look over all news files type: news

To look at a specific news file type: news filename

Example: news Autobot

To leave the game type: LOGOUT (it MUST be in all caps!)

Dice Commands

DAOC Command System Dicebag

Written by Covenent@M*U*S*H, (very) loosely based on Monster@Forgetown's
Dicebag v2.3.


+roll[/<roll sequence>] [<target>][=<explanation1>[, ... , <explanationN>]]
+roll/alias/<roll sequence> [<alias>][=<explanation1>[, ... , <explanationN>]]
+roll/unalias <alias>
+roll/listalias [<pattern>]

The +roll command provides you with a powerful, flexible, general-purpose

With no arguments, +roll rolls a standard 20-sided die (D20) and displays the
results to everyone in the room.  Given an <explanation>, it will show the
explanation alongside the roll, so everyone knows why you did it.

With a <roll sequence>, +roll can do a variety of things.  Roll sequences are
composed by joining the symbols below together with / (see the examples).  In
many cases you can avoid the / and it will still work, but it is guaranteed to
work with the /.  Every symbol that produces a roll (so not plain <number>,
parentheses, etc.) can be associated with an explanation in the <explanation>
list, separated by commas.  The symbols are:

fail      - Simulates automatic failure with a 20-sided die
            Example: +roll/fail=Failing for dramatic reasons.

succ      - Simulates automatic success with a 20-sided die.
            Example: +roll/succ=Succeeding for dramatic reasons.

d<number> - Rolls a <number>-sided die and reports the result.
            Example: +roll/d10=Rolling a 10-sided die
            Example: +roll/d20/d10=Rolling a 20-sided die, then a 10-sided die

          - Rolls against your <stat> and reports whether you succeeded or
            failed.  If a <target> was given to the +roll, it rolls your
            <stat> against the target's <stat2>, if given.  If <stat2> is not
            given, it rolls your <stat> against the target's <stat>.  <stat>
            and <stat2> must be one of the abbreviations listed in +explain
            Example: +roll/int=Rolling against my intelligence
            Example: +roll/str Discordia=Rolling my strength against
            Example: +roll/pres:cour Discordia=Rolling my presence against
                     Discordia's courage

<number>+ OR <number>*
          - A number without a letter in front of it and with one of + or * to 
            its right means that every roll in the symbol or subsequence after
            it receives a +<number> or *<number> modifier (that is, the value
            of the roll is added to <number> or multiplied by <number>,
            Example: +roll/2+/d20=Rolling a d20 with a +2 modifier
            Example: +roll/-5+/2*/int=Rolling against my intelligence with an
                     x2 - 5 modifier 
<number>  - A <number> without a letter in front of it or an operator (+,*) to
            its right means that the next symbol or subsequence is going to be
            repeated <number> times.
            Example: +roll/2/d20=Rolling 2 d20s.
            Example: +roll/5/2+/pres/d10 Discordia=Rolling my presence against
                     Discordia's (with a +2 modifier) 5 times, then rolling a

( and )   - start and end a roll subsequence.  Used for grouping, e.g. for
            multiple rolls or modifiers.  You can have parentheses inside each
            other for extra-complex expressions.
            Example: +roll/2/(/d20/str/)=Rolling a d20,Rolling my strength
                     (It will be repeated twice)
            Example: +roll/2+/(/int/3*/d10/)=Rolling against my intelligence
                     with a +2 modifier, then rolling a d10 with a 3x + 2

The final type of symbol is an <alias>.  To use an <alias>, it must have been
previously defined by you using +roll/alias using the syntax above.  When you
write an alias as a symbol, it automatically gets replaced with whatever you
defined the alias to be earlier.  Also, unless you give it a nonblank
<explanation>, any <explanation>s you associated with it will appear in the
correct places.  Here is a simple example:

First you type:
  > +roll/alias/agi dodge=Dodging
You see:
  +roll: Alias 'dodge' set.
Then if you type:
  > +roll/dodge
You see:
  <Your character> picks up the dicebag and rolls against its agility
  <Your character>'s roll <succeeds/fails>!

To list all available aliases (or list only those matching a particular
wildcard <pattern>), type +roll/listalias [<pattern>].  For example, if you
just had the dodge alias defined, you might type:
  > +roll/listalias
And see:
  DODGE: +roll/agi <target>=Dodging

To unset a previously set alias, use +roll/unalias <alias>.  For example, if
you decided you didn't want the old dodge alias anymore, you might type:
  > +roll/unalias dodge
And see:
  +roll: Alias 'dodge' removed.

More features are in the works.  If you have any additional questions or think
a feature should be added, talk to or @mail Dionysus@DAOC (or

Energon Commands

+credits Allows you to see how many credits you have to purchase energon. These will eventually be able to be exchanged and given to others.

+refuel Must be used at a cooler. Lets you see the current exchange rate and various refuelling options at that cooler.

+refuel/self Will fill up your tank as much as your credits will allow.

+refuel/self # Will refuel you up to X amount of credits' worth of energon.

+energon Allows you to see your current energon level.

+energon/grant player Players of rank 8 or above only, grants an energon refill credit

+energon/give player Gives one of your energon refill credits to a player

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General Commands

+tf 1 Transforms to mode 1 (usually robot).

+tf 2 Transforms to mode 2 (usually vehicle).

+tf 3 Restricted to triple changers.

+gic Sends you to last ic location.

+gooc Sends you to ooc welcome room.

+nom player Nominates player for rp, limit to one +nom per player per RP session.

+ooc Use to speak/pose oocly.

+requestchar character name=email address Notifies staff that you are requesting a character.

+roll stat/skill=specialty Rolls against a stat or skill, and with Science or Knowledge Software, rolls against a specialty.

+staff lists staff, Online Status, and their Admin Duties

+stats Shows character stats, hardware, & software.

+cstats Shows your character armor, energon, forcefield, health points & current levels of each.

+where Displays the locations of all connected players.

+who Lists online players, connected time, idle time, player's faction, IC status, alias, and their DOING.

@chan/list Shows ooc channels.

@doing Sets your doing under the poll in who/+who.

LOGOUT Must be in all caps; logs you out of mush and allows you to reconnect as another character.

QUIT Must be in all caps; disconnects you from mush.

page player=message Sends a message to a player

page player player=message Sends message to list of players

follow player name Allows you to follow a player.

unfollow Stops following player.

whisper player=message Whispers message to player, part of which may be shown to others in room.

whisper/silent player=message Whispers message silently to player.

whisper/noisy player=message Other players in the room may be told who you whispered to but not what you whispered.

whisper/list players=message Lets you whisper to many people at once.

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BBoard Commands

+bbscan Scans joined bulletin board groups.

+bbread <#> Scans messages in group <#>.

+bbread <#>/<list> Reads message(s). <list> can be a single #, multiple #s, or a range of #s (ie. 1-6), or any combo.

+bbread <#>/u Reads all unread messages in group <#>.

+bbcatchup <#> Marks all messages in group <#> as read. Can use multiple group #'s, may use 'all' to catchup on all messages.

+bbscan Totals unread postings in each joined group. Can place this command in your @aconnect.

+bbnew Reads the Next unread message.

+bbpost <#>/<title> This starts a post to group <#> with title mentioned.

+bbwrite <text> This adds text to an already started post.

+bb <text> Same as +bbwrite.

+bbedit <area>=<old>/<new> Edits your post in progress. Valid areas are: text, title.

+bbproof Displays your current post in progress.

+bbtoss Discards your current post in progress.

+bbpost This will post your current post in progress.

+bbpost <#>/<subject>=<body> Posts a message to group <#>. This is a quick way of posting a message with one command.

+bbedit <#>/<#>=<old>/<new> Edits one of your posted messages.

+bbremove <#>/<list> Removes a message by you. <list> can be a single number, a group of numbers, or a range (10-14).

+bbmove <#>/<#> to <#> Moves one of your messages to a new group.

+bbleave <#> Unsubscribe from group <#>.

+bbjoin <#> J Joins a group you've previously 'left'.

+bblist Listing of all groups available to you along with their timeout values.

+bbsearch <#>/<name> Shows you a list of <name>'s postings on group <#>.

+bbtimeout <#>/<#>=<days> Changes timeout for a message to <days>.

+bbnotify <#>=<on|off> Turn post notification for group <#> on or off.

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Mail Commands

@mail Shows list of @mails by #.

@mail[/switch] <player-list> = [<subject>]/<msg> Mails players the subject and message indicated, switch = /urgent - mail is marked as "Urgent", /silent – no notification to sender that mail was sent, /nosig - no mail signature.

@mail <msg #> Shows you specific message indicated by #.

@mail/read <msg-list> Displays messages which match the msg # or msg-list from your current folder.

@mail <msg-list, but not a single msg #> @mail/list <msg-list> @mail/folder This commands lists all folders which contain mail, telling how many messages are in each, and what the current folder is.

@mail/folder <folder#|foldername> This command sets your current folder to <folder#>.

@mail/folder <folder#> = <foldername> This command gives <folder#> a name.

@mail/unfolder <folder#|foldername> This command removes a folder's name.

@mail/file <msg-list>=<folder#> This command moves all messages in msg-list from the current folder to a new folder, <folder#>.

@mail/fwd <msg-list> = <player-list> @mail/clear [<msg-list> | all] @mail/unclear [<msg-list> | all] These commands mark mail in the current folder as cleared or uncleared. Mail marked for clearing is deleted when you disconnect, or if you use @mail/purge. If no msg-list is specified, all mail in your current folder is cleared. If "all" is given instead of a msg-list, all mail in *all* folders is cleared/uncleared.

@mail/purge Actually deletes all messages marked for clearing with @mail/clear. This is done automatically when you log out.

@mail/tag [<msg-list> | all>] @mail/untag [<msg-list> | all>] These commands tag or untag mail in the current folder. Tagged mail can be later acted on en masse by using "tagged" as the msg-list for other commands (which does *not* untag them afterward). If no msg-list is specified, all messages in the current folder are tagged/untagged. If "all" is given as the msg-list, all mail in *all* folders is tagged/untagged. (Ex: To clear all mail from Paul and Chani, @mail/tag *paul, @mail/tag *chani, @mail/clear tagged, @mail/untag all).

Chargen Related

+chargen View chargen related information.

+chargen/submit Submit your character for chargen. Only works in the chargen approval room.

+status Views your current status (experience points etc.)

+stats[/inc/dec/roll/swap/choose] With no switch, just displays your stats. The other switches are explained in the stats chargen rooms and allow you to set up your stats.

+explain Will list the various categories. The ones usable right now are: chargen, status, basics, background, modes, and stats. However, the following commands only really apply to basics, background and modes.

+explain <category> [<attribute>] List details about the attributes in the category.

Scene Commands

+scene/start <scene name>=<scene description> -- Starts a scene called "<name>" with description "<description>" wherever you are located.

+scene (or +scene/list) -- List all available scenes.

+scene/info <scene name or #number> -- View information about the scene you're in, including whose turn it is, etc. If you give it a scene name or number, reports information about that scene.

+scene/join <scene name or #number>] -- Join a scene.

+scene/leave -- Leave the scene you're currently in.

+scene/next -- When you're finished your turn, move onto the next turn. Rounds will automatically end and begin and the pose order will change. Your pose orders are based on dice rolls against your dexterities.

+scene/skip -- Implementation is going to change to use votes, but for now if someone is clearly not there or requests it, use +scene/skip to skip the turn of whoever's currently up. Do NOT abuse this feature or it will be taken away until we have time to code up a better version.

+scene/delay -- Pushes you to the back of the queue if you don't want to go at the moment but don't want your turn skipped entirely.

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