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New to MUSHing?

At the connection screen of the mush type: connect guest guest

To speak on guest channel type: +g "Hi there, I need help!

To speak to someone in the room with you type: "Hi there, I need help!

Alternately you can type: say Hi there, I need help!

To page someone type: page name=Hi there.

Example: page Discordia=Hi there, I need help.

To look over all news files type: news

To look at a specific news file type: news filename

Example: news Autobot

To leave the game type: LOGOUT

(it MUST be in all caps!)

Due to the recent work to recode combat, many if not all of the commands below are not currently working.

Meet Commands

+meet/pickup brings you to player

+meet/delivery brings player to you

+meet/assent agree to go to player

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Radio Commands

+power/on turns on radio

+power/off turns off radio

+intercept/on overhear private radios of those in the room, lasts 1 hr

+intercept/off turns it off

+jam/on garbles messages of those in the room, lasts 1 hr

+jam/off turns it off

+radio/chans lists ic radio channels

+broadcast channel=message sends message to all players on ic channel

+radio player=message sends message to specific ic player

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Energon Commands

+Credits Allows you to see how many credits you have to purchase energon. These will eventually be able to be exchanged and given to others.

+refuel Must be used at a cooler. Lets you see the current exchange rate and various refuelling options at that cooler.

+Refuel/Self Will fill up your tank as much as your credits will allow.

+Refuel/self # Will refuel you up to X amount of credits' worth of energon.

+energon Allows you to see your current energon level.

+energon/grant player players of rank 8 or above only, grants an energon refill credit

+energon/give player gives one of your energon refill credits to a player

+harvest/faction harvests energon to Me, Autobot, Decepticon, Crystal-city, or Cubicron

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Combat Commands

+attack/attack name/level player=custom name uses stats, hardware, softward in combo & will succeed or fail

+ms-attack/attack name/level player|player=custom name a Multi-Shot attack

+allow next attack on you is automatically successful

+bleed amount allow you to remove Energon from your Backup Energon Cells (see +transfer, +skin)

+combatroll player checks if your combat stat-based roll succeeds or fails against player

+cscan player displays the armor, energon, forcefield, and health points of player

+ffield toggles forcefield on or off

+miss/attack name/level player=custom name auto misses your attack

+skin/on turns on energy skin(see +transfer, +bleed)

+skin/off turns off energy skin

+transfer/to amount Transfer Amount From your Main Energon Cells to your Backup Energon Cells (see +bleed, +skin)

+transfer/from amount Transfer Amount from your Backup Energon Cells to your Main Energon Cells

+weapons lists the available weapons

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General Commands

+tf 1 transforms to mode 1 (usually robot) +tf 2 transforms to mode 2 (usually vehicle)

+info player shows ooc info on player like last connection

+oocfinger player same as +info player

+911 reason for help notifies staff help is needed & why

+afk can be toggled to set whether or not you are idle/AFK

+glance player shows players current mode and the visible hardware

+gic sends you to last ic location

+gooc sends you to ooc welcome room

+history displays history file on character

+nom player&nbsp nominates player for rp, limit to one +nom per player per RP session.

+ooc use to speak/pose oocly

+pers displays personality file on your character

+requestchar character name=email address notifies staff that you are requesting a character

+roll stat/skill=specialty rolls against a stat or skill, and with Science or Knowledge Software, rolls against a specialty

+staff lists staff, Online Status, and their Admin Duties

+stats shows character stats, hardware, & software

+cstats shows your character armor, energon, forcefield, health points & current levels of each

+where displays the locations of all connected players

+who lists online players, connected time, idle time, player's faction, IC status, alias, and their DOING

+stealth toggles stealth on or off

+roll/d20=Reason for roll

&tz me=-7 (or -8) to set timezone to PST for +events/tz

@chan/list shows ooc channels

+snapshot takes snapshot of amor, energon, health points of those in room, use for KPC winner/loser determination

@doing sets your doing under the poll in who/+who

LOGOUT must be in all caps; logs you out of mush and allows you to reconnect as another character

QUIT must be in all caps; disconnects you from mush

page player=message sends a message to a player

page player player=message sends message to list of players

follow player allows you to follow player

unfollow stops following player

whisper player=message whispers message to player, part of which may be shown to others in room

whisper/silent player=message whispers message silently to player

whisper/noisy player=message other players in the room may be told who you whispered to but not what you whispered

whisper/list players=message lets you whisper to many people at once

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Repair Commands

+cstats player checks % on healthy, armor, forcefield, and overall condition of player

+repair/all player repairs all injuries to a degree

+repair/armor player repairs only armor to a degree +repair/hull player repairs only hull to a degree

+repair/field player repairs only forcefield to a degree

Faction Commands

+faction/accept FacAbbrev=player FacHead only, accepts a player's application to join faction

+faction/appinfo FacAbbrev=player FacHead only, shows a player's application to join faction

+faction/apply FacAbbrev=reason for wanting to join sends the appropriate FacHead your request to join faction

+faction/apps FacAbbrev FacHead only, this command shows all the applicants to his faction

+faction/default FacAbbrev sets up your default faction

+faction/dehead FacAbbrev=player FacHead only, removes the given player as a FacHead for a given faction

+faction/delete FacAbbrev/player=reason for deleting FacHead only, this command removes a player from faction

+faction/duty FacAbbrev/player=duty post F FacHead only, this command sets the duty post

+factions lists all the factions on the MUSH

+fwho FacAbbrev lists all in faction that is online

+fwho/all FacAbbrev lists all in faction

+faction/head FacAbbrev=player FacHead only, this command sets a given player as a FacHead in faction

+faction/mail FacAbbrev=subject/message sends @mail to the players in a given faction

+faction/mission FacAbbrev/player=mission

FacHead only, this command sets the mission for player (+roster)

+faction/posting FacAbbrev/player=posting FacHead only, this command sets the posting (+fwho)

+faction/rank FacAbbrev/player=rank FacHead only, sets rank for player (+fwho)

+faction/reject FacAbbrev/player=reason for rejection FacHead only, rejects a player's application to join faction

+roster FacAbbrev displays roster for a faction, including Name, Mission Name, and Duty Post

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BBoard Commands

+bbread Scans joined bulletin board groups

+bbread <#> Scans messages in group <#>

+bbread <#>/<list> Reads message(s). <list> can be a single #, multiple #s, or a range of #s (ie. 1-6), or any combo

+bbread <#>/u Reads all unread messages in group <#>

+bbcatchup <#> Marks all messages in group <#> as read. Can use multiple group #'s, may use 'all' to catchup on all messages

+bbscan Totals unread postings in each joined group. Can place this command in your @aconnect

+bbnew Reads the Next unread message

+bbpost <#>/<title> This starts a post to group <#> with title mentioned

+bbwrite <text> This adds text to an already started post

+bb <text> Same as +bbwrite

+bbedit <area>=<old>/<new> Edits your post in progress. Valid areas are: text, title

+bbproof Displays your current post in progress

+bbtoss Discards your current post in progress

+bbpost This will post your current post in progress

+bbpost <#>/<subject>=<body> Posts a message to group <#>. This is a quick way of posting a message with one command

+bbedit <#>/<#>=<old>/<new> Edits one of your posted messages

+bbremove <#>/<list> Removes a message by you. <list> can be a single number, a group of numbers, or a range (10-14)

+bbmove <#>/<#> to <#> Moves one of your messages to a new group

+bbleave <#> Unsubscribe from group <#>

+bbjoin <#> J Joins a group you've previously 'left'

+bblist Listing of all groups available to you along with their timeout values

+bbsearch <#>/<name> Shows you a list of <name>'s postings on group <#>

+bbtimeout <#>/<#>=<days> Changes timeout for a message to <days>

+bbnotify <#>=<on|off> Turn post notification for group <#> on or off

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Mail Commands

@mail shows list of @mails by #

@mail[/switch] <player-list> = [<subject>]/<msg> mails players the subject and message indicated, switch = /urgent - mail is marked as "Urgent", /silent – no notification to sender that mail was sent, /nosig - no mail signature

@mail <msg #> shows you specific message indicated by #

@mail/read <msg-list> displays messages which match the msg # or msg-list from your current folder

@mail <msg-list, but not a single msg #> @mail/list <msg-list> @mail/folder This commands lists all folders which contain mail, telling how many messages are in each, and what the current folder is

@mail/folder <folder#|foldername> This command sets your current folder to <folder#>

@mail/folder <folder#> = <foldername> This command gives <folder#> a name

@mail/unfolder <folder#|foldername> This command removes a folder's name

@mail/file <msg-list>=<folder#> This command moves all messages in msg-list from the current folder to a new folder, <folder#>

@mail/fwd <msg-list> = <player-list> @mail/clear [<msg-list> | all] @mail/unclear [<msg-list> | all] These commands mark mail in the current folder as cleared or uncleared. Mail marked for clearing is deleted when you disconnect, or if you use @mail/purge. If no msg-list is specified, all mail in your current folder is cleared. If "all" is given instead of a msg-list, all mail in *all* folders is cleared/uncleared

@mail/purge Actually deletes all messages marked for clearing with @mail/clear. This is done automatically when you log out

@mail/tag [<msg-list> | all>] @mail/untag [<msg-list> | all>] These commands tag or untag mail in the current folder. Tagged mail can be later acted on en masse by using "tagged" as the msg-list for other commands (which does *not* untag them afterward). If no msg-list is specified, all messages in the current folder are tagged/untagged. If "all" is given as the msg-list, all mail in *all* folders is tagged/untagged. (Ex: To clear all mail from Paul and Chani, @mail/tag *paul, @mail/tag *chani, @mail/clear tagged, @mail/untag all).

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